* Copyright 2003-2006, 2009, 2017, United States Government, as represented by the Administrator of the
* National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All rights reserved.
* The NASAWorldWind/WebWorldWind platform is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
define(function () {
"use strict";
* Logs selected message types to the console.
* @exports Logger
var Logger = {
* Log no messages.
* @constant
* Log messages marked as severe.
* @constant
* Log messages marked as warnings and messages marked as severe.
* @constant
* Log messages marked as information, messages marked as warnings and messages marked as severe.
* @constant
* Set the logging level used by subsequent invocations of the logger.
* @param {Number} level The logging level, one of Logger.LEVEL_NONE, Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, Logger.LEVEL_WARNING,
* or Logger.LEVEL_INFO.
setLoggingLevel: function (level) {
loggingLevel = level;
* Indicates the current logging level.
* @returns {Number} The current logging level.
getLoggingLevel: function () {
return loggingLevel;
* Logs a specified message at a specified level.
* @param {Number} level The logging level of the message. If the current logging level allows this message to be
* logged it is written to the console.
* @param {String} message The message to log. Nothing is logged if the message is null or undefined.
log: function (level, message) {
if (message && level > 0 && level <= loggingLevel) {
if (level === Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE) {
} else if (level === Logger.LEVEL_WARNING) {
} else if (level === Logger.LEVEL_INFO) {
} else {
// Intentionally not documented.
makeMessage: function (className, functionName, message) {
var msg = this.messageTable[message] ? this.messageTable[message] : message;
return className + "." + functionName + ": " + msg;
// Intentionally not documented.
logMessage: function (level, className, functionName, message) {
var msg = this.makeMessage(className, functionName, message);
this.log(level, msg);
return msg;
// Intentionally not documented.
abstractInvocation: "The function called is abstract and must be overridden in a subclass.",
indexOutOfRange: "The specified index is out of range.",
invalidColumn: "The specified column is out of range.",
invalidHeight: "The specified height is zero or negative.",
invalidWidth: "The specified width is zero or negative.",
invalidRow: "The specified row is out of range.",
invalidSize: "The specified size is zero or negative.",
missingAltitudeMode: "The specified altitude mode is null or undefined.",
missingArrayBuffer: "The specified array buffer is null or undefined",
missingAttributeName: "The specified DBase attribute file name is null or undefined.",
missingArray: "The specified array is null, undefined or of insufficient length.",
missingBoundaries: "The specified boundaries array is null or undefined.",
missingBuffer: "The specified buffer descriptor is null or undefined.",
missingColor: "The specified color is null or undefined.",
missingConfig: "The specified config is null or undefined.",
missingDc: "The specified draw context is null or undefined.",
missingDomElement: "The specified DOM element is null or undefined.",
missingEntry: "The specified entry is null or undefined.",
missingFont: "The specified font is null or undefined.",
missingFrustum: "The specified frustum is null or undefined.",
missingFunction: "The specified function is null or undefined.",
missingGlContext: "The specified WebGL rendering context is null or undefined.",
missingGlobe: "The specified globe is null or undefined.",
missingId: "The specified id is null or undefined.",
missingImage: "The specified image is null or undefined.",
missingImageFormat: "The specified image format is null or undefined.",
missingIndices: "The specified indices array is null or undefined.",
missingKey: "The specified key is null or undefined.",
missingLevel: "The specified level is null or undefined.",
missingLine: "The specified line is null or undefined.",
missingList: "The specified list is null or undefined.",
missingListener: "The specified listener is null or undefined",
missingLocation: "The specified location is null or undefined.",
missingMatrix: "The specified matrix is null or undefined.",
missingOffset: "The specified offset is null or undefined.",
missingPath: "The specified path is null or undefined.",
missingPlacename: "The specified place name is null or undefined.",
missingPlane: "The specified plane is null or undefined.",
missingPoint: "The specified point is null or undefined.",
missingPoints: "The specified points array is null or undefined.",
missingPosition: "The specified position is null or undefined.",
missingPositions: "The specified positions array is null or undefined.",
missingProgram: "The specified program is null or undefined.",
missingProjection: "The specified projection is null or undefined.",
missingRectangle: "The specified rectangle is null or undefined.",
missingRenderable: "The specified renderable is null or undefined.",
missingResolution: "The specified resolution is null, undefined, or zero.",
missingResource: "The specified resource is null or undefined.",
missingResult: "The specified result variable is null or undefined.",
missingResults: "The specified results array is null or undefined.",
missingSector: "The specified sector is null or undefined.",
missingShapeType: "The specified shape type is null or undefined.",
missingSize: "The specified size is null or undefined.",
missingText: "The specified text is null or undefined.",
missingTexture: "The specified texture is null or undefined.",
missingTile: "The specified tile is null or undefined.",
missingType: "The specified type is null or undefined.",
missingUrl: "The specified URL is null or undefined",
missingVector: "The specified vector is null or undefined.",
missingVertex: "The specified vertex is null or undefined.",
missingViewport: "The specified viewport is null or undefined.",
missingWebCoverageService: "The specified WebCoverageService is null or undefined.",
missingWorldWindow: "The specified WorldWindow is null or undefined.",
notYetImplemented: "This function is not yet implemented",
unsupportedVersion: "The specified version is not supported.",
webglNotSupported: "The browser does not support WebGL, or WebGL is disabled."
var loggingLevel = 1; // log severe messages by default
return Logger;